Auto-autos, Serendipity Apps, and Social Hubs

We often hear that autonomically-controlled vehicles will eliminate parking lots, reduce congestion, make streets safer, and make streets into places we love. The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) hopes so too. Yet, this vision also requires new ways of choosing itineraries and new social hub.

Traffic will get worse rather than better if auto-autos roam around empty or if riders just want to nap in solitude. We must change two more things besides transportation: the people we travel with and meet and the physical places we pass through.

TL:DR: If we want self-driving vehicles to work as advertised, we need social hubs and apps to encourage us to share the ride.

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Architecture for Urbanism

Prompted by a 2015 meeting in Charleston South Carolina, I have worked with a few people to craft a set of "Canons for Humane Architecture," to complement the Canons of sustainable Architecture and Urbanism adopted by the CNU. This is a very preliminary draft, yet it probably comes fairly close to what most New Urbanists who prefer traditional architecture would agree with.

I will be proposing this in an "Open Source Congress" meeting at CNU 24, and welcome comments and suggestions.

Structured and De-structured Space

Most crafts and ornament are very structured: symmetrical, rhythmic, and so on. Naturalistic design is de-structured. It is not random and unstructured. De-structured space is structured artfully to look like compressed, perfected nature – without being random at all.The following is an excerpt from Structured and De-structured Space (pdf)

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Evolutionary Architecture: 2

The style wars between modernism and traditional design usually get stuck on the false choice between continuity and change, as if tradition just means copying the past, and breaking tradition equals modernity. Neither really captures the algorithm we need to follow in order to build better places: evolution. Evolution begins with the past, copying it. Then it goes much further. 

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